David Exe's Blog

Luxury Commune

College dorm room --> renting with a few roommates in apt/house --> renting/buying house to live alone w/ partner

This is the typical progression amongst my friends and the majority of people in my generation in America. There is a progression of isolation that happens as people move through their life. Why does this happen? My theory is that it is because as people get older they get less accepting of other people's ways of being. This is the opposite of how I want to be. I want to be more and more accepting of other people.

Things I learned while living with people at Kim's

Inefficiencies in a typical house

Socializing is like Exercise

Importance of Socializing

technology is making it easier and easier to isolate ourselves. The way to combat this is to change your environment. Optimizing your environment for spontaneous socializing is the cure to loneliness. Yes it is uncomfortable/inconvenient, usually things are that are healthy for you. We can use technology in a way to maximize for both privacy/introvert space while increasing the opportunity for randomly having a good conversation.

The best conversations happen randomly. They are very hard to plan for. You need to create space for them, and then they happen. The problem I am trying to solve is that society in USA is making it such that the only time socializing can occur is when planned. This requires significant logistical overhead and often doesn't line up with when you are physiologically feeling open and ready to socialize. Everyone knows what it is like to be put against listening to their body and following through on their dinner plans they made 2 wks ago. The solution to this is to allow for opportunistic socialization. Meaning that there is a place to go to socialize with others that

Misc Convos

Email to Sasona (a commune in Austin)

I am interested in learning more about Sasona! I found this because I value community and spontaneous social interaction but I am finding that as I go from a college dorm room to living with a few roommates to buying a house and living alone (as is the "typical" progression amongst my friends) that I am compromising on these values. I am so excited to see there is already a group of people who are challenging the norm!

Message to Cyrus about this idea

I have a theory that in the same way exercising makes you uncomfortable but you do it anyways for the health benefits…living with other people is uncomfortable and isn't convenient but it is a worthwhile investment because of the health benefits of a tighter nit community feeling.

Luxury Commune group chat convo, response to sharing bathroom

The primary goal with more tightly integrating people isn’t to make things cheaper, it is to maximizing opportunity for spontaneous social interaction while preserving each individuals privacy/introvert time. That is why I’m not for sharing a bathroom. that is giving up too much privacy/introvert time for a very small amount of additional spontaneous social interaction (you spend very little leisure time in your bathroom and sharing that space is inconvenient...needing to shower while someone is 💩).